Action Care assist in Jordan and Lebanon (July – August 2011)

Action Care assisted two of our affiliates by sending personnel to help with specific projects. Action Care staff made a ten day trip to Lebanon to assist Family Care Lebanon with the opening of a location which will serve as an aid distribution center and a venue to provide extracurricular classes for underprivileged children.
During the month of Ramadan, an Action Care representative assisted Equal Opportunity Initiative by participating in and coordinating corporate sponsorship for programs and Ramadan events hosted for 1,500 less privileged children, training programs for high school students, and a library for a girls’ juvenile center, the only one of its kind in the country.

Years from now, when we bump into some of these students and they thank you for helping them to be successful and good people in life, that's when the contentment really hits you. Thank you for letting me reach that point of happiness, by doing just a little to make a difference for these kids. 

Amjad Durrani, volunteer at the MOVE program